Generally speaking, furnace purification includes flux method, gas refining method (active and degradable gas), vacuum purification, and field purification. Among them, flux purification and gas……
The basic degassing method is the floatation method. The principle is to pass gas or gas-generating substances into the aluminum melt to generate bubbles. According……
Inclusions filtration is a method of purifying the melt with various rigid media or liquid flux media, and it is the last purification process close……
Because online degassing is degassing during the flow of the aluminum melt, and the time for nitrogen to contact the melt is short, its degassing……
The study on filtration mechanism is the basis for the development and application of any kind of filtration technology. The surface interface interaction between inclusions……
The inclusions in the aluminum melt, also known as the second phase particles, can be divided into primary inclusions and secondary inclusions according to their……
The segregation stripes on the surface of the cast-rolled plate are in the form of bands, running through the full length of the strip, and the……
The bright bars are mainly caused by metal and non-metal impurities brought into the nozzle and stayed in the front of the nozzle during the……
The width of the fine stripes on the surface is generally less than 1mm and the depth is less than 0.2mm, but it can extend……
Airway streaks are mainly caused by too high melt hydrogen content and blocking of foreign objects in the nozzle cavity. The casting nozzle is relatively……