An aluminum liquid micro flow system product, which is an accessory for a customer’s aluminum liquid storage equipment. A single set of equipment for aluminum liquid……
Το κιβώτιο ελέγχου ροής αλουμινίου δεν κολλάει στο αλουμίνιο. Χρησιμοποιείται κυρίως σε συνδυασμό με μια συσκευή ελέγχου ροής, η οποία μπορεί να ελέγξει την ομοιόμορφη……
The casting tips and nozzle, vacuum-formed headbox and tundish are the key factors to ensure aluminum coil casting and rolling production. After lowering the vacuum-formed……
The function of the aluminum liquid control system is to stabilize the liquid level of the front tank, keep the supply of liquid metal sufficient……
Ceramic tube mainly used in aluminum casting, they are part of the aluminum liquid flow control series. Alumina ceramic tubes have strong corrosion resistance, no……