Degassing rotor is the best choice for high efficiency degassing operation. Inert gases such as argon / nitrogen are blown into molten aluminum via ceramic or machined graphite shafts / rotors. At a certain rotating speed, small inert bubbles are produced and distributed throughout the melt, reducing the dissolved hydrogen content to the lowest level that can be verified by degassing metal density index%.
The hydrogen source of aluminum alloy is the humidity of furnace charge, construction tools, refractory and metal treatment additives. The hydrogen absorption level of aluminum alloy is related to the alloy type, working temperature and atmosphere.
The hydrogen absorption in molten aluminum is usually 0.01 to 0.8ml/100gm at operating temperature. The presence of hydrogen often leads to gas pores, that is, voids in casting materials, whose surface is smooth, without oxidation, or with a little oxidation point on the surface. Reducing the dissolved hydrogen to the lowest possible level before casting is the key factor to control the casting reject rate.
We know that if bubbles are produced and distributed more finely throughout the melt, the degassing efficiency will be improved. Silicon carbide degassing rotor of AdTech degassing unit adopts unique high corrosion resistance rotor head design, which can make bubble distribution more uniform, thus ensuring high degassing efficiency throughout the service life.
Experiments show that the performance of SiC degassing rotor is stable in the whole service life. The service life of SiC rotor is three times as long as that of graphite rotor. Even in the extended time, the degassing efficiency still remains at the lowest level of 2.60 GM / cc.
With the increasing competition, metal casting has to save rupees, US dollars, Japanese yen, euro, RMB and so on. In general, consumables are purchased only at the purchase price, regardless of production, quality or maintenance inputs. Even if the input of other departments is taken into account, the actual real indirect cost will not be calculated due to lack of time, resources or understanding. This overall understanding of purchasing decisions is called total cost of ownership in the financial domain.
“Direct” and “indirect” cost factors when using crucible: life of degassing rotor, number of conversions, process variables, waste due to performance problems, production cost, energy cost, and cost of skilled workers.
Silicon carbide degassing rotors have been tested in many metal smelting operations around the world. Its performance of higher degassing efficiency and longer service life begins to provide major advantages. These benefits are being quantified to generate TCO models to help customers understand the value of their products in addition to costs. Melting operation must consider downtime, reliability; labor, non expendable parts, local inventory, delivery time.